Songbird Award 2019: L. Hotshot

L. Hotshot 01

photo by Frank C. Photography

In the past, the Songbird Award has been given to singers whose dulcet voices climb to ethereal heights. You know, like a bird. Then again, what if that bird was not quite a canary on a branch chirping away cheerfully, but more like a predator hawk soaring toward its prey? Well? Nothing embodies the destructive power of a bird of prey quite like L. Hotshot from Scorpion vs. Tarantula.

In a vinyl jumpsuit and iconic eye make-up, L. Hotshot gives the audience a show they won’t soon forget. A hard rocking woman, ferocious in spirit and savage on stage, might not be the rarity it once was, but no one makes it quite so emblematic as L. Scorpion vs. Tarantula released When the Girls Are Gone back in May of 2019 and, no surprise, L. Hotshot packs a powerful vocal punch throughout the LP. No surprise there.

Grrrls need more growl and L. Hotshot is here to help the cause. You can read our original review of When the Girls Are Gone here.

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