Radio Phoenix Podcast: The Echo Bombs

echo bombs 01The Echo Bombs are fucking rad. They brought down their feisty shenanigans to the Radio Phoenix studios as well as a kick ass playlist of tasty jams to share with all of us. Aren’t they sweet? Tune in to find out just how saccharine they can be…

Catch The YabYum Hour every Wednesday at 7:00 PM PHX time only on — where the Valley comes to Talk. Sing. Connect.


The Echo Bombs “Dogmeat”

Man Hands “Teenagers”

Wax Castle “TV Death”

Snake! Snake! Snakes! “Dead ‘n Dumb”

The Thin Bloods “All Pinned Up”

The Echo Bombs “Pistachio Pudding”

Desert Beats “Wolfman Is Here”

JJCnV “Funktime”

MAN-CAT “Cold Light”

Weird Radicals “John Lennon (Headbangin’)”

Mrs. Magician “Don’t Flatter Yourself”

Shovel “Kid Yourself”

Closet Goth “Why is No One Laughing at My Jokes”

Recorded live on April 4, 2018

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