YabYum Seven: David Miller

unnamed (5)Who are you and what do you do?

David Miller – multimedia artist – so photography, short films, animation and sound design.

How did you get your start?

I was taking photos of my friends in high school and making short films for all of our school projects, including a musical of Otto Von Bismark. After high school I went to a graphic design school and didn’t care for making cereal box art, so I dropped out after 5 months. Following that, I saw an exhibition of photographer Sebastio Salgado and it opened my mind to the possibilities of photography interacting across cultures. I took classes on and off for 9 years until I got my BFA in Photography in 2006, and picked up some skill in music making/ sound design and ceramic sculpture along the way.

What inspires you?

Ancient art, indigenous cultures, mythology, surrealists, sampling culture, comics, imaginative movies, animals, comics, mid-20th century culture, Japan.

What do you like about AZ?

Being able to always see the sun helps me stay energized and positive about creating and life in general. I like that you can be your own person and survive in the arts without being too concerned about fitting in a particular scene or chasing some ephemeral fame.

Where can we see you(r) work?

The main place is my site, and corresponding Vimeo and Instagram.

What would you like to accomplish before you die?

Be fluent in Spanish and learn to play piano.

What is your mantra?

Show up every day to create, make it in your voice, always try new things, make the next thing better.


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